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Health, Happiness and Doing What You Love

I really do have no running photos at all for this week's blog post, so here's a picture of me post long run in my Christmas sweater.  The Christmas sweater that I couldn't find yesterday when I did parkrun.  I did find my tutu but I forgot to take it with me.  I learned last year that doing the pre-parkrun run in my Derbyshire home town, solo, knackered and wearing a massive bright red Christmas themed tutu will get you a lot of "those looks".  It's also bloody hard work to run in and the way I felt yesterday this was a consideration.  My plan to slip it on last minute failed due to a similar failure in memory.  I blame my age. Anyway, this week has involved a lot of running.  It is, in fact, my highest ever mileage week with a total of 60 miles run.  Is this crazy in week three of my marathon training?  I don't think it is, but until I've tried this higher mileage slower pace approach for a while longer I really can't say.  My plan is q

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